@article{Goebel2020, author = {Goebel, Bernd}, title = {Ralph von Battles De creatore et creatura als Entwurf einer Sch{\"o}pfungstheologie und Anthropologie. Einf{\"u}hrung, Edition und {\"U}bersetzung}, pages = {1 -- 27}, year = {2020}, abstract = {An edition, translation and analysis of Ralph of Battle's theological treatise De creatore et creatura et quid inter se differunt creaturae. Ralph (1040-1124) was a student of Lanfranc at Le Bec and subsequently at Caen. An intimate of Saint Anselm and a prolific writer himself, he served as chaplain to Lanfranc, prior of Caen and Rochester, and abbot of Battle. In this text, Ralph develops a theology of creation and a theological anthropology, discussing topics such as the ontological difference between creator and creature; the hierarchy of creatures; the human creature as a composite of body and soul; our relationship to non-rational creatures, to the angels and to the creator; our knowledge of God and the incomprehensibility of the divine nature.}, subject = {Anthropologie}, language = {de} }